Cluster co-operation when planning Curriculum for Wales in the catchment area of Ysgol Uwchradd Brynrefail

Effective Practice

Ysgol Gynradd Llanrug

Information about the School

Ysgol Gynradd Llanrug provides education in the Llanrug, Ceunant, Pontrug and Cwm y Glo area. Welsh is the main language medium of the school and the village. Twelve point one per cent (12.1%) of pupils are eligible for free school meals and 5.5% have additional learning needs. 

There was co-operation with all the school’s stakeholders to develop a shared vision for Curriculum for Wales. Leaders were appointed for all areas of learning and experience and meetings were established between the schools in the cluster and Ysgol Uwchradd Brynrefail to develop different aspects of Curriculum for Wales. Catchment area priorities were developed to ensure consistency within the areas of learning and experiences. Advantage was taken of the expertise of both secondary and primary school teachers. There was beneficial co-operation on cross-curricular transition units in Language, Literacy and Communication; Mathematics and Numeracy; and Digital Competence.

Context and background to the effective or innovative practice

The need to develop a catchment area priority which focused appropriately on developing a mutual understanding of the progression steps was agreed. 

  • It was ensured that schools plan in-service training days jointly to facilitate joint training arrangements. 
  • A decision was made to prioritise some areas of learning and experience to begin with, building on introducing the six areas of learning and experience logically as a number of primary leaders lead on more than one area of learning and experience. 
  • The need for leaders of areas of learning and experience to work together on these priorities was decided, in order to further develop a mutual understanding of progression steps 1-5 and create a catchment area plan. 
  • Two in-service training days were organised for the Brynrefail catchment area with a pedagogical researcher to scrutinise the progression steps. 
  • In the first training, staff developed a mutual understanding of the progression steps in Language, Literacy and Communication; and Mathematics and Numeracy. 
  • A second day of catchment area training was organised and focused on the following areas of learning and experience: Science and Technology; Expressive Arts; Health and Wellbeing; and Humanities.

Description of the nature of the strategy or activity

  • Following detailed training and stimulating discussions focusing on shared expectations within the progression steps, there was a professional and beneficial dialogue within the six areas of learning and experience. As a result, consistency was built in terms of expectations across the catchment area between the primary schools and the secondary school.
  • Discussions between the primary schools and secondary school have been very beneficially for agreeing on the specific attainment of pupils by the end of Year 6, so that there is consistent action across the catchment area as pupils transfer to Ysgol Uwchradd Brynrefail. 
  • A more detailed and relevant overview was drawn up for the catchment area to develop a shared understanding of progress in specific areas, focusing on the areas of literacy, numeracy and well-being. The elements that were most important in the catchment area were prioritised to be developed first, such as developing pupils’ ability to use punctuation correctly when recording. 
  • Staff have shared practices and discussed activities that correspond to the descriptions of learning to be placed in the experience box to aim for the agreed expectations. This has led to supporting staff to better understand the learning continuum from 3 to 16. 
  • In the Language, Literacy and Communication area of learning and experience, the focus was on developing agreed development steps in terms of elements of grammar and punctuation, and cooperation and discussion. In the Health and Well-being area of learning experience, a physical development plan was completed, ensuring consistency across the catchment area. An annual timetable of physical activities was established to develop pupils’ skills systematically and ensure consistency in pupils’ learning experiences and well-being across the area’s schools. 
  • A decision was made to create a catchment area website for the six areas of learning and experiences as a means of sharing expertise and providing guidance for teachers for them to plan to meet the expectations of Curriculum for Wales. It was ensured that all teachers in the catchment area had access to the website so that they were able to access guidance on the six areas of learning and experience. 
  • The catchment area’s leaders of the areas of learning and experiences have worked together effectively to begin the journey of developing a mutual understanding of the progression steps. 
  • We will continue with the work, focusing on each description of learning in the areas in turn. We will also revisit continuously to plan, implement, review and adapt.

What impact has this work had on provision and learners’ standards?

  • The school’s staff have benefitted greatly from this effective and productive co-operation. They discuss pupils’ standards, progress and attainment within the progression steps with increasing confidence, which has led to a mutual understanding of expectations. Teachers and leaders of the areas of learning and experience were seen to be working together effectively and developed confidence in assessing against the progression steps. Staff’s awareness of the content has ensured further planning opportunities that correspond to the need and drive standards. This has led to ensuring consistency in standards and provision at the school. 
  • Catchment area co-operation on the progression steps has had a positive effect on the understanding of leaders of the areas of learning and experience to lead their area across the school. 
  • Mutual understanding of the progression steps at cluster level has led to ensuring consistency in learners’ expectations and achievement across the catchment area. 
  • This has a positive effect on pupils in the catchment area’s schools and leads to cross-catchment consistency as our learners transfer from Year 6 to Ysgol Uwchradd Brynrefail. 
  • Easy access to the specific plans supports the process of a smooth transition for Year 6 pupils and ensures consistency in developing learners’ skills extremely successfully.