What we inspect - local government education services - Estyn

What we inspect – local government education services

This handbook sets out what we inspect in local government education services (LGES) inspections. It should be read in conjunction with a separate handbook ‘How we inspect’ that explains the inspection process and methodology.

The guidance is essential reading for reporting inspectors and all other members of the inspection team, including the nominee. It will also be useful for providers to support their understanding of the inspection guidance.

Local government education services cover statutory education functions of the local authority for children and young people up to age 25. This includes education services provided on behalf of a local authority by:

  • a school improvement service
  • a partnership between two or more local authorities
  • another organisation commissioned by the local authority (for example, a voluntary organisation or a private company)

These other providers may be inspected separately from a local authority, and are referred to in this guidance as ‘other education services providers’. In such inspections, inspectors would only apply the sections of the framework that cover the relevant education services. Please read are ‘How we inspect’ guidance for further information.

There are two inspection areas in LGES inspections as set out below.

Inspection areas

Inspection Area 1. Education services and their impact
1.1 School improvement services
1.2 Support for vulnerable learners
1.3 Other support services

Inspection area 2: Leading and improving
2.1 Quality and effectiveness of leaders and managers
2.2 Self-evaluation and improvement planning
2.3 Safeguarding arrangements
2.4 Use of resources

Inspections of local government education services include an inspection of any of the following:

  • a local authority
  • a school improvement service
  • a partnership service between two or more local authorities for the provision of any education services
  • an education service commissioned by a local authority or a group of local authorities

We will be carrying out stand-alone inspections of local authority youth work and Welsh immersion education from September 2024. In the case of the statutory youth service, the inspections will be carried out four weeks prior to the LGES inspections, so that the findings inform relevant aspects of the LA’s LGES inspection.