‘We don’t tell our teachers’– experiences of peer-on-peer sexual harassment among secondary school pupils in Wales

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Supporting Resources: Explanatory note

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This Supporting Resources document has been produced to help schools to evaluate the effectiveness of their current provision for relationships and sexuality education and plan for improvement. We have included relevant and important Welsh Government guidance, shared details of useful resources and provided links to relevant reports published in recent years. We have also included key messages from research to help inform schools as they plan their provision for the Health and Wellbeing Area of Learning and Experience as part of Curriculum for Wales.

By kind permission of Professor EJ Renold, Cardiff University, we have included the pupil focus group booklet and the tutor booklet used during our school visits. We have also included the pupil questionnaire. These are now available for schools to use if they wish to gather pupil views as part of their self-evaluation and improvement work.

Finally, we have included a synthesis of the full findings of the pupil focus group activities and a full analysis of the pupil questionnaire. The main report contains a summary of both.

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