Supplementary guidance: Inspecting attitudes to learning

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The purpose of this guidance is to assist inspectors in making accurate judgements on the strength of pupils’ attitudes to learning as part of the inspection of maintained schools (primary, secondary and special schools and pupil referral units) and independent schools.

The development of positive attitudes and behaviours, such as resilience, self-control and creativity, is essential to support pupils in their learning throughout their lives and in the development of their mental and emotional wellbeing. It is important that inspection reports reflect accurately the strengths and weaknesses in pupils’ attitudes to learning in order that schools can build upon and share effective practice and address any shortcomings.

This document summarises the sources of evidence that inspectors will need to consider during inspections and the activities they should undertake to arrive at their judgements. It emphasises the importance of team discussions in synthesising evidence and drawing conclusions, and provides useful explanations of the kinds of attitudes and behaviours that inspectors need to be looking for. 

This guidance should be read in conjunction with the relevant guidance handbooks for each sector and additional guidance published on Estyn’s website.

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