Supplementary guidance: Lesson observations and learning walks - September 2021

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Lesson observations

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Lesson observations focus primarily on the work of a single class, session or lesson. Typically, they will involve an inspector observing learners in a classroom, laboratory or workshop setting. On occasions, the lesson observation may involve observation of learners outside the classroom, for example in outdoor areas, in a sports hall or performance space or in corridors. 

Inspectors undertake lesson observations for at least 30 minutes. In most cases, they will observe learning for longer than this. The usual time for a lesson observation is between 45-60 minutes, but it could be longer depending on the nature of the lesson and the evidence required by the inspector. On occasions, an inspector may spend 30 minutes with a class at the beginning of a session and return later to see other parts of the lesson. 

At the end of each lesson observation, the inspector will offer the teacher the opportunity for a brief professional dialogue on the lesson/activity observed. Where this is not possible, the inspector and the teacher should agree a mutually convenient time and location where the professional dialogue can take place. The inspector should always offer the opportunity for professional dialogue, but it is up to the teacher involved whether they wish to accept the invitation or not.

Professional dialogue with teachers should focus primarily on the work of the learners. Comments on the quality of teaching should relate to the strengths and weaknesses in the learning that took place and the contribution of the teaching to it. 

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