Supplementary guidance for the inspection of Welsh and English literacy in schools

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Document A: Example questions for listening to pupils in the foundation phase

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Younger pupils in the foundation phase

  • What is your book about?
  • What is happening in the pictures?
  • What do you think will happen next?
  • How do you think the story will end?
  • What do you do if you do not know a word?
  • Do you know this letter name?
  • Do you know which sound(s) this letter makes?
  • Do you enjoy reading?
  • Who helps you with your reading?
  • Does anyone read to you?

Older pupils in the foundation phase

  • Did you choose this book?
  • Did you know anything about it before you started reading it?
  • Do you enjoy reading?
  • Does the school have the sorts of books that you like to read?
  • Do you read information books?
  • How often do you read?
  • Do you read at home?
  • Do adults read to you in school? Do you enjoy that?
  • What advice does your teacher give to you about your reading?

Fiction text

  • What has happened so far in your book?
  • What do you think will happen next? What makes you think that?
  • Tell me about your favourite character. Why do you like this character?
  • What is your favourite part of the book and why?
  • How do you think the author wants us to feel at this moment in the book?
  • What do you do if you come across a word you haven’t seen before?

Non-fiction text

  • What is this book about?
  • Can you explain to me how I can find information in this book?
  • When might I use this book?
  • What do you do if you come across a word you haven’t seen before?
  • Which part of the book do you find most interesting and why?

When pupils are reading aloud, you might ask:

  • Have you come across this word before?
  • Do you know what the word means or can you work out what it means in this sentence?
  • What other word could the author have used that means the same sort of thing?
  • Why did you change your voice when you read that part of the sentence?

Younger pupils in the foundation phase

  • Do you like writing?
  • What do you like writing about?
  • Can you write your name and what you like doing in school, if I help you?
  • What do you do if you cannot spell a word?
  • Do you sometimes write on a laptop or a tablet?
  • Can you show me some of your writing?
  • Do adults help you with your writing? How do they help you?
  • Where do you do your writing?

Older pupils in the foundation phase

  • What type of writing do you like best – writing stories, poems or information writing?
  • What do you find easy about writing?
  • What do you find difficult about writing?
  • Do you sometimes plan your writing? Do you sometimes plan with a friend or in a group?
  • What do you do if you cannot spell a word?
  • Tell me how you wrote this story/these instructions etc?
  • Can you show me a piece of your writing that you think is good?
  • Do you ever go back to your work to try to make your writing better?
  • How do you know which punctuation to use?
  • How do you know how to set out your writing? Why have you written this in a list etc?


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