Supplementary guidance for the inspection of numeracy in schools - September 2021

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Inspecting numeracy

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Inspecting numeracy

Numeracy is an essential skill that enables pupils to apply their numerical facts, skills and reasoning to solve problems. Although pupils usually learn these skills during mathematics sessions, to be fully numerate they must be able to apply these skills in other subject areas and a wide range of contexts.

The key tasks for inspectors are to judge:

  • the standards of pupils’ numeracy skills 
  • whether pupils have the numeracy skills needed to access the whole curriculum
  • how well the whole curriculum develops pupils’ numeracy skills
  • the quality of leadership in, and management of the co-ordination of numeracy 

Inspectors should report on pupils’ numeracy skills in every inspection and, where appropriate, report on any outcomes or indicators that relate to these skills.

The following guidance is intended to support inspectors in making judgements and reporting on standards in numeracy and on pupils’ ability to use these skills in work across the curriculum. Although the guidance contains information about the school’s provision for numeracy, inspectors should remember that the main focus should be on the impact it has on pupils’ standards

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