Supplementary guidance for the inspection of numeracy in schools - September 2021

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Document A: Questions for listening to pupils

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Younger pupils in the foundation phase

  • Can you play a game with me? Where would I be if I was (point): under the cupboard/on top of the chair/by the side of the whiteboard/inside the climbing frame? (positional language)
  • Spread some objects out on a table: How many ‘books’ are there on the table? Pile/ group them carefully: how many are there now? (Can they count/conserve number?)
  • What do you do if you cannot work something out?

Older pupils in the foundation phase

  • What type of numeracy/mathematics do you like best – working with numbers, measuring, finding out about shapes or working with data?
  • What do you find easy about numeracy/mathematics?
  • What do you find difficult about numeracy/mathematics? 
  • Do you know the pairs of numbers that go to together to make 10?  What about 20 or 100?
  • Tell me what happens when you halve or double a number?
  • Do you sometimes plan how to solve a number problem?  Do you sometimes plan with a friend or in a group?
  • What do you do if you cannot work an answer out in mathematics?
  • Do you sometimes do numeracy/mathematics work on the computer?
  • Tell me how you worked this out.

Pupils in key stage 2

  • What type of numeracy/mathematics do you like best – working with numbers, measuring, finding out about shapes or handling data?
  • Do you use your numeracy/mathematics skills in others areas such as geography and science? If yes, can you think of an example?
  • What do you find easy about mathematics?
  • What do you find difficult about mathematics?
  • Do you use the computer to create graphs, charts and diagrams?
  • What do you do if you can’t work out an answer?
  • Do you know what happens to a number when you multiply or divide it by 10 or 100?
  • What strategies do you use to help you work out your times tables?
  • How do you check your answers?
  • Tell me how you worked this out.
  • Can you show me a piece of work where you used mathematics outside of a maths lesson? Can you explain what you have done?
  • Can you show me some work where you have solved a problem that involved numbers? Can you explain your thinking?

Pupils in key stage 3

  • Are you making progress in improving your numerical skills?  How do you know?
  • What is your attitude towards numeracy?  Do you think it’s important to have good numeracy skills?  Why?
  • Do you know what you have to do to improve your numerical skills further?  Examples
  • How often do you use your number work in other subjects? 
  • Can you think of examples where you have used mathematics such as number work, graphs, shape, etc. in subjects other than mathematics? 
  • How easy or difficult has this work been e.g. are you able to use a calculator when unsure?
  • Do you think that subjects other than mathematics help you to reinforce and develop your number skills? 
  • Do teachers let you explore on your own or with your peers how you might want to use different methods for calculating solutions to your problem?
  • If you get a calculation wrong, do you have the opportunity to discuss this with your teacher and or peers, and to correct/improve your work? Can you show me some examples?

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