Thematic report |

Using data to plan strategically for children and young people - February 2009

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Thematic report | 01/02/2009

pdf, 198.81 KB Added 01/02/2009

Local authorities and their partners are using data to improve education and training services for learners as a result of strategic partnerships such as the Children and Young People’s Partnership.However, we found that that data is not always used consistently and effectively to plan services for children and young people at a strategic level and target support for learners in greatest need.


The Welsh Assembly Government should:

  • provide leadership and resources in those areas where data is unavailable;
  • support the development of useful outcomes measures building on existing performance indicators; and
  • develop guidance on the scope of data to be used for need analysis to gain greater consistency across Wales.

Local authorities and their partners should:

  • make sure that data collated for needs analysis and outcome measures are used to inform resource allocation and strategic planning;
  • use effective outcome measures and collate this information methodically; and
  • make use of detailed information to focus support and education services to those of greatest need.

For a full list of recommendations, please download the report.