Thematic report |

Initial review of the effectiveness of the Welsh Government's Traineeships and Steps to Employment programmes - January 2013

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Estyn was asked, in the annual ministerial remit, to undertake an early review of the Traineeships and Steps to Employment programmes funded by the Welsh government. This report is intended to inform Welsh Government’s next tendering arrangements for June 2013, which will determine the delivery of the programmes from August 2014.


The Welsh Government should:

  • make sure that referral agencies have a clear understanding of what the available training programmes provide and which programmes are suitable for individual learners;
  • work closely with providers to address issues that affect the take-up of Traineeship and Steps to employment programmes; and
  • make sure that employers have a better understanding of the programmes.

Training providers should:

  • check that all learners are placed on appropriate training pathways;
  • encourage all learners to disclose any information that may adversely affect the identification of learning and employment barriers;
  • improve progression rates on all programmes;
  • make Individual Learning Plans sufficiently detailed and challenging for learners;
  • improve basic skills testing and the tracking of progress;
  • work with employers to provide suitable work and community placements; and
  • ensure that employers are fully informed about learners’ off-the-job training requirements.

All referral agencies should:

  • improve the quality of the initial information given to training providers about learners in the referral process;
  • encourage all learners to disclose any information that may adversely affect the identification of learning or employment barriers; and
  • improve information-sharing between the different agencies that work with young people.