Thematic report |

Improving modern foreign languages in secondary schools in Wales - July 2009

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Thematic report | 01/07/2009

pdf, 493.55 KB Added 01/07/2009

More needs to be done to encourage and support pupils to study modern foreign languages in secondary schools throughout Wales. There has been a substantial decrease in the number of pupils choosing to study modern foreign languages for GCSE and a slight decline at A Level.Although standards of achievement are generally good for those that continue to take these courses, the attainment gap between boys and girls is greater than in other subjects, with girls getting much better results on average.


Secondary schools should:

  • provide two hours a week of modern foreign languages in key stage 3;
  • support the development of modern foreign languages in partner primary schools;
  • develop common practices between the English, Welsh and modern foreign language departments to improve pupils’ understanding of language concepts; and
  • arrange opportunities for modern foreign language teachers to observe good practice and attend training courses.

Local authorities should:

  • arrange regular visits for a specialist to observe the work of modern foreign language departments; and
  • provide greater challenge to modern foreign language departments to improve standards and take-up.

The Welsh Assembly Government should:

  • continue to encourage and support the development of modern foreign languages in primary schools; and
  • further promote school links with foreign countries and publicise awards such as the British Council’s International School Award.

For a full list of recommendations, please download the report.