Document | 09/12/2020

pdf, 1.09 MB

Effective practice | 10/11/2020

Monmouthshire County Council has worked on improving its safeguarding arrangements. Through evaluation, the council can identify who needs training and at what level.

Thematic report | 01/06/2015

pdf, 912.12 KB Added 01/06/2015

Thematic report | 03/06/2015

pdf, 912.14 KB Added 03/06/2015

Effective practice | 26/03/2020

Newport GEMS provides support for pupils from the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities for whom English is their second language. Schools access the service via a referral process.

Effective practice | 05/11/2019

Bridgend County Borough Council has developed strong links between the Bridgend Youth Council and councils in schools and colleges.

Effective practice | 24/10/2019

The demand for specialist speech and language support in Flintshire has increased in recent years.

Effective practice | 09/10/2018

After Denbighshire County Council created a combined Education and Children’s Service, improvements were seen in communication, strategic planning and use of resources.

Document | 23/03/2020

pdf, 483.83 KB