Effective practice | 26/10/2018

Tŷ Bronllys School has developed a preventative approach to behaviour management, focusing on why incidents occurred and introducing a positive behaviour management strategy.

Effective practice | 02/10/2018

Ysgol Gymraeg Brynsierfel has an effective procedure for tracking and monitoring pupils’ wellbeing on a daily basis.

Effective practice | 07/08/2018

A reward-based programme that was trialled in the USA has been implemented in Aran Hall independent special school.

Effective practice | 07/08/2018

Yoga sessions at Ysgol Gymraeg Brynsierfel promote mindfulness and help pupils to relax, calm down and socialise.

Effective practice | 29/06/2018

Leaders at Ysgol Bro Pedr have worked successfully with staff and pupils to establish a climate in the school that supports effective teaching and learning.

Effective practice | 05/04/2018

Cadoxton Primary School’s positive approach to wellbeing has created a nurturing community where pupils are ready to learn.

Effective practice | 05/02/2018

Staff and pupils at Hendy County Primary School overhauled their anti-bullying policies, achieving a zero-tolerance environment in which all pupils feel safe and heard.

Effective practice | 23/01/2018

The nurture, emotional, wellbeing and skills room at Oak Field Primary ensures that all pupils have access to the support they need to be ready to learn.

Effective practice | 18/01/2018

Ysgol y Gogarth worked with Bangor University to adopt and develop an approach to behaviour support that is based on teachers, behaviour analysts and other professionals working closely together.

Effective practice | 15/07/2016

Ysgol Bryn Deva focuses strongly on increasing the life-chances of pupils through improving their wellbeing and standards of attainment – and its programmes are having a positive impact.