Effective practice | 28/11/2018

Staff at Coed Eva Primary School have taken part in research to create strategies based on pupils’ attitudes to learning.

Effective practice | 01/11/2018

Students at Gower College can access support from experts to prepare them for their next step after college.

Effective practice | 26/10/2018

Tŷ Bronllys School has developed a preventative approach to behaviour management, focusing on why incidents occurred and introducing a positive behaviour management strategy.

Effective practice | 02/10/2018

Cogan Primary School has improved standards and wellbeing throughout the school.

Effective practice | 09/08/2018

Westbourne School assesses the language ability of pupils who are learning English as an additional language before they start at the school.

Effective practice | 07/08/2018

A reward-based programme that was trialled in the USA has been implemented in Aran Hall independent special school.

Effective practice | 12/07/2018

Cwm Glas Primary School has focused on developing strong, nurturing and trusting relationships with parents to support their children’s learning needs and wellbeing.

Effective practice | 12/07/2018

Ysgol Yr Esgob Voluntary Aided Primary School has helped pupils improve their work, take responsibility for their learning, and raise standards through independent learning, regular self-assessment

Effective practice | 11/07/2018

Ysgol Heulfan has re-assessed provision to support their pupils learning needs.

Effective practice | 22/05/2018

Penllwyn Primary School has used a range of strategies specifically designed to meet the characteristic needs of disadvantaged learners.