Effective practice | 20/05/2016

Staff at St Helen’s Primary School provide good support for learners with additional learning needs and ensure pupils and parents have confidence in what the school does for these learners.

Effective practice | 30/03/2016

Mary Immaculate RC High School supports vulnerable learners with ‘The Bridge’, a learning area located in a quiet part of the school that supports pupils with emotional, behavioural and learning ne

Effective practice | 27/11/2015

Hafod-y-Wern Primary School carefully manages and monitors the impact of deprivation on pupil attainment.

Effective practice | 27/07/2020

Christchurch (C.I.W) Voluntary Aided Primary School, Swansea, uses music therapy to help children with emotional and behavioural problems.

Effective practice | 27/07/2020

Herbert Thompson Primary School, Cardiff, uses an effective pupil tracking system to monitor pupil progress and identify additional learning needs.

Effective practice | 27/07/2020

Hafod Primary School, Swansea, has worked hard to help reduce anti-social behaviour in the community.

Effective practice | 27/07/2020

Hafod Primary School, Swansea, has developed a framework of values to promote citizenship, tolerance, and diversity. Pupils are taught to respect every individual’s rights.