Effective practice | 18/12/2017

When Ysgol Y Deri was formed from the amalgamation of three special schools, the new leadership team ensured that staff and pupils were brought together with a shared vision and sense of ownership.

Effective practice | 06/10/2017

Pupils at Ysgol Y Bynea led a project to develop an outside learning village. Learners developed a range of skills from designing architectural models to budgeting and placing orders.

Effective practice | 05/10/2017

At Ysgol Gymraeg Aberystwyth, experienced teachers from the school worked with pupils, trainee teachers and local organisations to develop a series of activities on the theme of Welsh writer T.Llew

Effective practice | 04/10/2017

Llanrhidian Primary School has developed a culture of continuous self-evaluation focused strongly upon improving outcomes in standards and wellbeing for every pupil.

Effective practice | 17/07/2017

At Ysgol San Sior, the school’s farm provides a range of learning experiences that develop independent learners and improve pupils' literacy and numeracy skills.

Effective practice | 01/06/2017

At Blaengwawr Primary School, consistent planning across the Foundation Phase ensures a child-centred learning environment and provides challenge for every pupil.

Effective practice | 27/01/2017

At Pembroke Dock Community School, a number of strategies have been introduced that encourage pupils to be responsible for their own learning and become more capable at assessing their own work.