Effective practice | 18/10/2019

To interest pupils in the outdoors and physical activity, Myddelton College created a ‘Learning Through the Outdoors’ programme.

Effective practice | 10/10/2019

Being a small rural school, Ysgol Mynach faces the challenge of having mixedage classes with a wide range of ability levels.

Effective practice | 09/10/2019

Ysgol Gymraeg y Gwernant noticed that a large quantity of pupils were having difficulty with their independence skills, ability to take responsibility and perseverance.

Effective practice | 17/09/2019

Strong leadership is behind the exciting early education being delivered at Cylch Meithrin Talgarreg.

Effective practice | 16/09/2019

A pupil-led curriculum is embedded at the Tai Education Centre to help pupils re-engage with education successfully.

Effective practice | 12/09/2019

Pupils at Ysgol Bryn Tabor are encouraged to share their opinion about school life. They’re asked to bring in three objects to represent what they would like to learn more about.

Effective practice | 23/08/2019

Pupils at Ysgol Pant Pastynog are given opportunities to guide the direction of the school. They are encouraged to help to set a clear vision and strategy for the school’s future.

Effective practice | 21/08/2019

Staff at Somerton Primary School wanted to change the culture of the school. The school developed techniques to help pupils manage conflict without heightening situations.

Effective practice | 21/08/2019

The family engagement officer at Pencoed Primary School runs activities to involve parents and family in their children’s education.

Effective practice | 07/08/2019

Pupils at St Mary’s Church in Wales School visit a local care home each week for a joint choir rehearsal with the residents.