Effective practice | 21/08/2019

Staff at Somerton Primary School wanted to change the culture of the school. The school developed techniques to help pupils manage conflict without heightening situations.

Effective practice | 21/08/2019

The family engagement officer at Pencoed Primary School runs activities to involve parents and family in their children’s education.

Effective practice | 07/08/2019

Pupils at Ysgol Treganna play a key part in their own learning.

Effective practice | 07/08/2019

Ysgol Maesincla set up ‘Nurture Groups’ to begin tracking pupils’ wellbeing. Every day, pupils can discuss their feelings and develop their communication, co-operation and interpersonal skills.

Effective practice | 29/07/2019

Clase Primary School has a nurturing culture which supports all pupils well, particularly the most vulnerable learners.

Effective practice | 03/07/2019

Pupils at Ynysowen Community Primary School are given opportunities to contribute to their own learning.

Effective practice | 02/07/2019

Children at Ysgol Bryn Coch are able to access the school’s outdoor area all day. This helps them develop their skills, for example, learning how to measure using different outdoor equipment.

Effective practice | 24/06/2019

A practice called ‘Over To You Time’ was created at Shirenewton Primary School to allow children to learn through play.

Effective practice | 24/06/2019

Teachers and staff at Ysgol Pen Barras are using the arrival of the new curriculum to plan stimulating learning activities and challenges for pupils.

Effective practice | 21/06/2019

A priority at Ysgol Brynaerau is for teachers and pupils to collaborate and develop experiences that stimulate learning.