Supplementary guidance on inspecting attendance
Under the inspection framework for September 2024 within inspection area 2 inspectors should report on the attendance of all pupils, including those eligible for free school meals.
Inspectors should refer to ‘Belonging, engaging and participating: Guidance on improving learner engagement and attendance’ Welsh Government Guidance document no: 293/2023.
From September 2024, inspectors should report on attendance in all inspection reports.
In their supporting evidence inspectors should always consider:
- How well leaders evaluate and plan for improving pupils’ attendance
- The impact of the school’s work to improve attendance
- How well the school works with the community to improve attendance
- How well the school records, analyses and responds to pupils’ attendance rates
- How well leaders target and use resources to improve attendance
- How well the school supports pupils to reintegrate into school following periods
of absence, including fixed term exclusions - How well the school supports pupils with emotionally based school avoidance
and engages with all groups of pupils to improve their attendance from their
initial starting points
and how this is impacting on:
- the number of pupils who have attendance rates well below those of others in the school, especially those with attendance rates below 80% and those with attendance rates below 90%
- the improved engagement, participation and rates of attendance of particular groups of pupils in comparison to the rest of the school, such as pupils who are eligible for free school meals or pupils with additional learning needs
- comparative rates of attendance for year groups across the school
- whether pupils arrive at school and lessons punctually
- whether any deficit in attendance impacts on standards of pupils or groups of pupils, taking care not to simply imply causation from correlation
Inspectors should always consider the school’s individual context and the impact of COVID-19 on the school community and subsequent effect on attendance.
Inspectors should also consider any additional information provided by the school, including their most up-to-date attendance data. They should take into account any analysis undertaken by schools to identify mitigating factors that may affect overall attendance rates, for example, a high proportion of pupils with serious medical needs that require regular hospital appointments or time at home. Inspectors should use meetings with pupils to pursue any emerging questions related to attendance, such as to gauge whether pupils understand the consequences of poor attendance.
Whilst national data provides a context to consider a school’s attendance rates, inspectors should not be unduly influenced by comparisons with national rates of attendance as these rates are much lower than pre-pandemic levels.
In IA3, it is important that inspectors focus on the impact of leadership on improving rates of attendance.